Have you experienced a pregnancy loss and aren't sure where to go from here? Do you have a loved one who is grieving a loss, and you want to help, but don't know how? We have put together some resources to help you navigate this unfamiliar path. We understand that every person grieves differently, and some may be a better fit for you or your loved ones than others. We ask that you view these resources through the lens of grace, seeing them as general guidelines, and use your best discretion in deciding how to help those you know and love. The opinions expressed in these resources do not necessarily reflect the views of Hannah's Hope.
Here are some ways you can minister to a loved one who has experienced a pregnancy loss:
-Make a meal for the family.
-Offer to babysit living children.
-Send a card, flowers, or a Hope Box.
-Remember important dates: the baby's due date, and the anniversary of the loss.
-Send a card on tough days like Mother's Day and Father's Day.
-Check in weeks and months after the loss.
-Avoid using phrases like, "You can have another baby," "At least you know you can get pregnant," "You should be thankful for the children you have," and "This was God's will." If you aren't sure what to say, you can always say, "I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. I am praying for you. When can I bring a meal to your family?"
-Ask your loved ones how you can best walk with them through their grief journey, offering to talk or not talk, whichever they prefer.
-Let your loved ones know when you think about their baby, and use the baby's name when you can.
The following books may be helpful to those grieving a loss:
-Holding On To Hope - Nancy Guthrie
-I'll Hold You In Heaven - Jack Hayford
-Grieving The Child I Never Knew - Kathe Wunnenberg
-Pastoral Care in Pregnancy Loss - Thomas Moe
-Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby - Deborah L. Davis
-We Were Gonna Have a Baby, But We Had an Angel Instead - Pat Schwiebert
The following songs can be purchased from iTunes and deal with topics relating to neonatal loss:
-I Will Carry You (Audrey's Song) - Selah
-Home - Nicol Sponberg
-Held - Natalie Grant
-Glory Baby - Watermark
-You Wouldn't Cry (Andrew's Song) - Mandisa
-Not For A Moment - Vertical Church
-From This One Place - Sara Groves
-Your Hands - JJ Heller
-Blessings - Laura Story
-Beauty From Pain - Superchick
-Before the Morning - Josh Wilson
“A miscarriage is a natural and common event. All told, probably more women have lost a child from this world than haven't. Most don't mention it, and they go on from day to day as if it hadn't happened, so people imagine a woman in this situation never really knew or loved what she had.
But ask her sometime: How old would your child be now? And she'll know.”
- Barbara Kingsolver